The Simple Guide to Downsizing Your Home
Category Moving
Downsizing your home is an emotional rollercoaster. How do you say goodbye to a house that brought you so many beautiful memories? How do you decide to throw...

5 Home Improvement Projects to Tackle Before Moving into a New Home
Category Moving
Home improvement projects are a great way to make your new house feel like a home. It is amazing what some hard work and TLC can do to a place. Even if your...

Moving costs - What to Expect and How to Save Money
Category Moving
In between all the excitement of moving, one thing people often forget to include in their budget is moving costs. Moving costs are by no means cheap and...

How to help your Teen when they move to University
Category Moving
The move to university is a very exciting time for teenagers. They are finally breaking free from the surly bonds of their childhood homes and looking...

Helpful Advice to Consider When Moving
Category Moving
Moving can be a stressful process. There are a million things that you need to think of and a thousand more that you need to do. In between working...

First-Time Home Buyer Checklist To Make Life Easier During The Move
Category Moving
The big day has finally arrived - you are going to move in to your new home! The excitement that you are feeling can never be fully described and you...